Podium Item
October 30, 2017
Sixties Scoop court decision reveals problems – Hunsley
By Terrance Hunsley (Senior Fellow, The Pearson Centre)
The federal government recently announced a fund to compensate indigenous people who as children were taken from their families and put up for adoption by non-indigenous families. It was in response to a class action court case filed on behalf of about

November 2, 2017
Women in Politics, Parliament Hill; Nov 2 (Sold out)
Based on research led by Dr. Betsy MacGregor, research based on interviews with 100 women who have won and lost in politics at all levels, covering all aspects of Canadian diversity. Event on Parl Hill with MPs from all parties.

November 7, 2017
Copyright Reform Issues – International Panel (Nov7)
PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE COPYRIGHT REFORM NEEDED TO HELP CANADIANS IN THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET Canadian, global voices weigh in as feds negotiate NAFTA and ahead of soon- to-begin Copyright Act review Ottawa, Nov. 7, 2017—As the federal gove

Podium Item
October 19, 2017
From Colonialism to Multiculturalism – Clarke
By Anne C.D.Clarke
Introduction: It is inconceivable to visualise that I have been in Canada so long that I can recall various significant milestones in the history of Canada, such as our multiculturalism policy, immigration and refugee policy, the repatriation of the Co

Podium Item
October 15, 2017
Multiculturalism: indissociable et indélébile – O’Neill
By Mark O'Neill
(The English follows) Il s’est écoulé 46 ans depuis l’adoption d’une politique officielle, 35 ans depuis que celle-ci a été répercutée dans la Charte des droits et libertés et 29 ans depuis une proclamation en vertu d’une loi du Parlement. Certains se

Podium Item
October 15, 2017
Multiculturalism: indissociable et indélébile – O'Neill
By Mark O'Neill
(The English follows) Il s’est écoulé 46 ans depuis l’adoption d’une politique officielle, 35 ans depuis que celle-ci a été répercutée dans la Charte des droits et libertés et 29 ans depuis une proclamation en vertu d’une loi du Parlement. Certains se

Podium Item
October 7, 2017
Recognizing distinctiveness and accepting our differences – CRRF
By Canadian Race Relations Foundation
The demographic changes experienced by Canada since the introduction of the first Multiculturalism Policy in 1971, have been very significant. The population has increased from approximately 21 million (in 1971) to over 35 million in 2011. The growth d

Podium Item
October 5, 2017
Multiculturalism: Evolution & Challenges – Griffith
By Andrew Griffith
MULTICULTURALISM IN CANADA: EVOLUTION, EFFECIVENESS AND CHALLENGES Our history, a complex and imperfect process of accommodation — between Indigenous peoples and French and then British settlers (English, Scottish and Irish), subsequently between Frenc

Podium Item
October 5, 2017
Multiculturalism: Evolution & Challenges – Griffith
By Andrew Griffith
MULTICULTURALISM IN CANADA: EVOLUTION, EFFECIVENESS AND CHALLENGES Our history, a complex and imperfect process of accommodation — between Indigenous peoples and French and then British settlers (English, Scottish and Irish), subsequently between Frenc

Podium Item
October 4, 2017
Karen Mock gets Order of Canada – Read her thoughts…
By Dr. Karen Mock
On December 29. 2017, the Governor General announced the newest recipients of the Order of Canada. We are delighted that in that list is Dr. Karen Mock, a founding board member of the Pearson Centre, who has many years of action and achievement in matt