Podium Item
March 19, 2022
RACISM in 7 webinars
By Sharon Fernandez, Research Associate
Dialogue on Racism & Diversity 2021-2022: 7 webinars Exploring Racism in Canada WATCH WEBINARS here: https://bit.ly/3NeT9zI READ REPORTS reports here: Table of Contents 1. A Conversation with Michelle Good (June 25, 2021) • Author Michelle Good in conv

Podium Item
July 1, 2021
Canada Day 2021: Reflections!
Thoughts on Canada Day by: – Patrick Dillon – Kathryn Kotris – Hon. Sergio Marchi – Andrew Cardozo 1. Reflect and Build a better society by Patrick Dillon As we approach celebrating 154 years since the establishment of the Canadian federation, we must

Podium Item
April 30, 2021
When it comes to Disability Supports in Canada – We are all Americans (#2 in a series)
By Dr. William Cowie
Second in a series submitted by Dr. William Cowie, Every Canadian Counts Coalition; https://everycanadiancounts.com, The disability support system in Canada has all the features of the public, uninsured American health care system. It is costly, ineff

Podium Item
April 16, 2021
The Inclusion Agenda: Getting to the Starting Line: #1 and #2 of a series (Cowie)
By Dr William Cowie
Second in a series submitted by Dr. William Cowie, Every Canadian Counts Coalition; https://everycanadiancounts.com, The disability support system in Canada has all the features of the public, uninsured American health care system. It is costly, ineffi

Podium Item
January 25, 2021
May be we’re not so different from the US (Cardozo)
By Andrew Cardozo
Maybe we’re not so different from America when it comes to race By ANDREW CARDOZO JANUARY 25, 2021 Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021. Bad America and all those extreme, right, white supremacists storming Capitol Hill. T

Podium Item
October 1, 2020
REIMAGINING POLICING, PUBLIC SAFETY AND PROSPERITY By Ashwin Nair TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………3 2. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………4 3. Demilitarization of Police………………………………………………………………

Podium Item
June 16, 2020
To STOCKWELL DAY: Open letter on Systemic Racism (Cardozo)
By Andrew Cardozo, President, Pearson Centre
Open Letter to Stockwell Day Dear Stockwell: The comments from you on systemic racism on June 2 are an occasion for a thoughtful discussion on the issue. I kind of regret that you resigned from Telus and McMillan LLP and your spot on the TV show, and I

Podium Item
August 4, 2019
Chronic Shortfalls in Disability Supports – Cowie
By William Cowie
The Pearson Centre has invited various leading thinkers to contribute their ideas towards the Progressive Platform to generate good ideas for debate in this general election. The views expressed here are those of the writer. We thank the writers for pu

Podium Item
August 4, 2019
Future of Work….and Basic Income – Regehr
By Sheila Regehr
The Pearson Centre has invited various leading thinkers to contribute their ideas towards the Progressive Platform to generate good ideas for debate in this general election. The views expressed here are those of the writer. We thank the writers for pu

Podium Item
July 4, 2019
Solicitor-Client Privilege Not for Government – Murphy
By Gavin Murphy
The Pearson Centre has invited various leading thinkers to contribute their ideas towards the Progressive Platform to generate good ideas for debate in this general election. The views expressed here are those of the writer. We thank the writers for pu