January 26, 2021
A new way to select next GOVERNOR GENERAL (Marchi)
By Honourable Sergio Marchi
From LinkedIn site of Hon. Sergio Marchi
It is clear that the vetting process for appointing our Governors General needs to be significantly strengthened. But I also believe we should take this opportunity to reform how the GG gets appointed.
In short, I believe we need a more open process, and one that is shared with, and owned by, all of our federal political representatives. Accordingly, I would recommend that:
1. The PM propose a short list of well qualified candidates.
2. The candidates present their qualifications and vision for the Office before a joint sitting of the House of Commons and Senate.
3. The political representatives, including the PM and Cabinet Ministers, be free to ask questions of the candidates.
4. In a secret ballot, our political representatives would vote for the candidate of their choosing.
5. And that the candidate winning the most votes, would be declared our next Governor General.
The advantages?
A. It brings the decision out of the political shadows.
B. It would better ‘test’ the qualifications and skill-set of the candidates.
C. It would be more democratic, and provide additional powers to backbench MPs and Senators.
D. The new GG would be seen as more “legitimate”.
Let’s turn a negative experience into a positive development!
The Hon. Sergio Marchi served as a Member of Parliament, Minister, and Ambassador. He is a founding board member of the Pearson Centre.