Navigating a difficult world with PAUL MARTIN (Jan25)
- Date: January 25, 2022, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
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Please watch the video of:
The Right Honourable PAUL MARTIN
in conversation with
Brian Gallant, former Premier of New Brunswick
We are clearly at a point where there is global turmoil and a critical time in Canada. This situation provides both challenges and opportunities. Major issues face countries around the world including COVID and climate change. It all seems so bleak. But are there better ways for countries around the world to work together? Are there things we can be doing differently about economic recovery, about reconciliation?
As we mark the Ninth Anniversary of the Pearson Centre, named after one important Prime Minister, viewers were able join this conversation with Canada’s 21st Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Paul Martin!
He was in conversation with former New Brunswick Premier, Brian Gallant, Pearson Centre Advisory Board member and CEO of the Centre for the Purpose of the Corporation.
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